Tamika Rawson

OG Nerd: Tamika Rawson! How have you been? It’s been so long and I hope you’ve been good! Most people know you as an Instagram model, what made you go from modeling to Twitch streaming?

Tamika Rawson: I’ve always been into gaming since I was a kid. Then a mate said I need to start streaming I may as well make money from it if I spend my time doing it anyway

OG: What do you normally stream there?

TR: Dead by Daylight and the Metal Gear Solid series

OG: Are you any good? Haha

TR: I am absolutely terrible! They’re not watching me for my skills that’s for sure

OG: Hahaha! As long as you’re having fun. I noticed you do all sorts of random things on your stream like singing or doing armpit farts. Is that part of how you entertain your fans?

TR: Haha yeah I get tips to stop singing 🤣

OG: What’s the most you got on 1 tip to stop singing?

TR: Only like $20 but still

OG: Haha 20 is 20 I say! You mentioned earlier you play metal gear solid. I remember you were involved in the early games. Tell us about that and how that came to be

TR: I am! I was a big fan girl and very active on the fan pages with my metal gear collectibles and I got spotted by the producer. I made a joke about him putting me in the game and he said okay. And that’s how my dream came true 😍

OG: So what did you do in the game?

TR: So Naked Snake or the players use my picture to distract enemies and kill them 🙈

OG: That is absolutely fantastic haha I’m gonna have to go back and play that game! So now you made a switch to Streaming, What do you love about it?

TR: I love streaming coz I can be myself and if I ever feel alone I always have my community to hype me up. I game when I’m alone anyway so it makes it more fun with my viewers that turn into friends 💕

OG: How long do you think you’d keep streaming?

TR: I’d love to be a full-time streamer so for a while I think

OG: What else do you do outside streaming?

TR: Outside streaming I like to dance x

OG: What kind of dance?

TR: I do podium dancing in nightclubs

OG: Oh wow! How long you’ve been doing that? You must be super limber!

TR: I’m actually really tight for a dancer 👀 I need to stretch more 🤣

OG: So besides streaming and dancing you ever been into cosplaying? Seems like the next step for you

TR: Yes I’ve done a couple of cosplays, Leeloo from the fifth element, Harley Quinn etc

OG: That’s awesome! Milla Jovovich is fantastic on it! Are you planning to do more?

TR: Maybe eventually I’m doing a lot of travel for the next couple of months but when I sit still I’ll do some more

OG: Yeah cool! So what’s next for Tamika Rawson? Got future plans and projects?

TR: I am going to represent Sydney at the Miss Swimsuit USA world finals in Mexico this year! And I have some other exciting projects coming up that I can’t talk about yet 🙈👀 you’ll have to keep up to date with me on my socials to see or we can talk about it in my next feature😉

OG: That’s amazing Miss Swimsuit USA world! It’ll be a crazy experience I’m sure and we’ll definitely gonna need an update on your next feature!

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